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Falling Forward.

Writer's picture: GrumpyGrumpy

2023 has been a difficult year for many gardeners. The Spring in our area was "too wet", the Summer was "too hot", and now many of us have very little to show for all the planning and hard work we have already invested. I'm right there with you.

In fact, a friend of mine, the Owner of New Orleans Gardens in Longview, TX, has decided that 2023 is the last season of operation for their nursery. That place has been a local icon for 65 years.

However, gardening is never easy and it requires a mindset of resilience. We each carry on to the next thing. We survey the landscape and begin to make adjustments for better success next season.

Well, next Season is just around the corner! On September 23rd we will experience the Autumnal Equinox and every day from that point until Christmas-time will be shorter than the day prior.

This event triggers our plants to begin preparing for dormancy and it signals coming relief from the scorching sun. In Texas, it will likely remain hot well into October, but it won't be as hot, and the fall rains will bring additional changes.

I wanted to let you all know that Grumpy's Garden Club will NOT be selling any mums this Fall.

Woodland Hills Academy is selling Mums as a fundraiser and that is my recommendation to you.

I have decided instead to host a single, come & go event inside King's Way Chapel on Saturday, November 3rd. This event is for our local gardeners & craftsmen to get together and talk shop, swap success & failure stories, and discuss our personal plans for Spring 2024.

If that doesn't sound boring or nerdy to you - then you are invited to attend!

(See our events page for specifics & updates).

I also have some BIG plans for our little nursery in the next six months that include:

  • A new vintage & recipe of Muscadine Jelly from our vineyard for sale!

  • A new Biogas Digestor to produce Natural Gas fuel for heating the Greenhouse & generating Electricity.

  • A custom blend of liquid fertilizers for Sale to the Public at events & from our website.

  • Adding conditioned-air to the greenhouse to better control temperature & humidity for seedlings.

  • Building a shaded area near the greenhouse for growing out my baby plants.

  • Formalizing a directory of local gardeners & artisans as regular contributors that are willing to provide their produce and crafts for fun & profit.

There is a lot to do. I am looking forward to it all.

~ Steve

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Please advise when is good time to buy jelly. I'm running seriously low.

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