Those of you who live for Spring have probably been a bit restless for at least a month or two. I get it. However, the avid (and more experienced) gardeners in your community have probably already tried to warn you NOT to plant tomatoes and peppers in your gardens yet. Maybe you didn't listen.
It's totally ok, because Bonnie's always does a great job of cranking out tomatoes way too soon and far too late in the season for best production in East Texas. If you must put those tomatoes and peppers in the ground prior to Easter - go ahead & take the risk - perhaps we will not have the traditional late frost that stunts or kills the warm season plants. Buy backup plants just in case. That way, you are covered in the event of a late frost...and it might give you an opportunity to be generous to someone else if you don't end up needing them.
Easter is my day. That will be the day that I put my tomatoes and peppers in the ground. Of course, I started the seeds in February, so the plants are already flowering. No time lost if you have a cold frame or green house or indoor setup of some kind. If you do not, but want a setup, then now is a good time to look at ideas and plan for next Winter.
A special thank you is due to all of you that came out to see us in the vineyard this Saturday! It was a gorgeous day from dawn to dusk. We had some great vendors, BBQ, Cotton Candy, and two other vendors that brought out a great selection of plants. It was fun to see everybody and say hello. It was especially fun to sell out of tomatoes. I hope that those plants produce ABUNDANT crops for all of you that picked some up. For those that could not make it, I have plenty more in the greenhouse waiting for their turn on April 23rd. Save that date.
Gardeners are like quiet warriors in a lot of ways. We plan, we establish, we battle enemies, we reinforce, we sometimes take losses, but we never give up in the battle to protect life. So, as you all go out into the field I want to encourage you to work hard, enjoy what you do, plant more than you need, give good advice, encourage the young ones to watch and learn, and be generous with what comes to you. The community will be better off for what we sacrifice for it.
Next Saturday, the 16th of April, I have accepted an invitation to attend the Easter Egg hunt at Union Grove ISD starting at 4pm. I am packing plastic eggs with seeds to give away and hope to see if I can get some little gardeners started in our neighborhood.
If you have any kids in the area that would like to participate, just follow the link posted here.
I wish you all the very best!
~ Steve