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I am seeking your insight... Please share!

Updated: Apr 28, 2022

The big Spring garden events of 2022 are now behind us & I finally got our family garden in the ground. Next, I want to turn my attention to cultivating this group of friends and neighbors.

I have been thinking for a while about how to get your thoughts and opinions on what could be done better, or what you would like to see more of in a garden club. There are so many outdoor, community-based activities that it was hard for me to identify exactly what information I needed. After several attempts at putting together a questionnaire, and offering our visitors comment cards, I have finally decided to get tech-savvy.

Below you will find a link to Google Forms where they are hosting a short, 5-question survey that I created for members of this group to provide some much desired feedback. Your honest participation will help me as I plan my Summer and Fall activities and ultimately, what direction I would like to take the club. I want for my time and effort to be invested in things that actually do more good.

This survey only takes a minute to complete and it is completely anonymous.

Would you please help me out by sharing your thoughts? I sincerely appreciate it!

All the best,

~ Steve

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